1. [PDF] Subject: RE: RE : RE : Rough draft text From: Bonnal Christophe ...
11 okt 2016 · Christophe and Rhoda: We have achieved consensus amongst Alex, Norman, Christian and myself. We are now handing this proposed text over to you ...
2. Mars Sample Return: Vive le retour des-chantillons martiens! (1999)
18 aug 2013 · Thus declared William O'Neil and Christian Cazaux in October 1999 as they described U.S. and French plans for a joint robotic Mars Sample Return ...
In 1999, the United States and France had an ambitious plan to undertake a mission that scientists have eagerly awaited: a sample-return from Mars. Though the mission's details were plotted out, the timing was unfortunate. Just a month before the project was announced, NASA had lost a Mars orbiter due to an error in converting metric units to imperial, and a few months later, they lost a lander on the Red Planet.
3. IAA Situation Report on Space Debris
25 sep 2017 · Christian Cazaux. CNES. (France). Eric Christiansen. NASA. (USA). Juan-Carlos Dolado-Perez. CNES. (France). Dave Finkleman. Sky Sentry. (USA).
4. Self-consistent ice opacities in disk models - arXiv
26 aug 2022 · The goal of this work is to present a computationally efficient method to compute ice and bare-grain opacities in protoplanetary disk models ...
In cold and shielded environments, molecules freeze out on dust grain surfaces to form ices such as H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, CH3OH, and NH3. In protoplanetary disks, the exact radial and vertical ice extension depend on disk mass, geometry, and stellar UV irradiation. The goal of this work is to present a computationally efficient method to compute ice and bare-grain opacities in protoplanetary disk models consistently with the chemistry and to investigate the effect of ice opacities on the physico-chemical state and optical appearance of the disk. A matrix of Mie efficiencies is pre-calculated for different ice species and thicknesses, from which the position dependent opacities of icy grains are then interpolated. This is implemented in the PRODIMO code by a self-consistent solution of ice opacities and the local composition of ices, which are obtained from our chemical network. Locally, the opacity can change significantly, for example, an increase by a factor of more than 200 in the midplane, especially at UV and optical wavelengths, due to ice formation. This is mainly due to changes in the size distribution of dust grains resulting from ice formation. However, since the opacity only changes in the optically thick regions of the disk, the thermal disk structure does not change significantly. For the same reason, the spectral energy distributions computed with our disk models with ice opacities generally show only faint ice emission features at far-IR wavelengths. The ice absor...
5. Zukunft-Ehrenamt - saarland.de
Das Bild zeigt Christian Cazaux, Freiwillige Feuerwehr Saarbrücken Löschbezirk 13 St. Johann, während Freiwillige Feuerwehr Saarbrücken ist online - Neue ...
Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima, Mobilität, Agrar und Verbraucherschutz | Agrar- und Landentwicklung
6. The Académie - a thousand and one stories for a twenty-year adventure
... Cazaux, music critic of Avant-scène Opera: […] the stage gave way to the ... Christian (2016). The Festival d'Aix-en-Provence also promoted a series of ...
See AlsoOllie King Fanart2018 Ondřej Adámek, Seven Stones – a capella opera Bastien David, World premiere for string quartet Charlotte Bray, World premiere for viola solo Arthur Lavandier, World premiere for voice and piano Diana Soh, World premiere for quartet Samy Moussa, World premiere
7. Robert Cazaux ? June 16, 1935? - TNF's Archive - The Autosport Forums
Strange, I have no record in 1928. And what about his name, is it Bey or Ismalun Bey ? What is his common christian name ? ... Obviously reference to the text is ...
Robert Cazaux ? June 16, 1935? - posted in TNFs Archive: Robert Cazaux won the 1935 Sézanne Climb on June 16, with his Bugatti T35B. AUTOMOBIL-REVUE wrote on Friday, June 21, 1935: He mastered the course at an average of 140.620 km/h. A short time later, when he drove the course once more, so to speak as a lap of honor, his car swerved in a bend and ejected the pilot out of his seat. Consequently, the car itself tumbled over. Cezaux suffered such serious injuries that he died soon ther...
8. [2212.03007] Observing Circumplanetary Disks with METIS
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Context: A full understanding of the planet and moon formation process requires observations that probe the circumplanetary environment of accreting giant planets. The mid-infrared ELT imager and spectrograph (METIS) will provide a unique capability to detect warm-gas emission lines from circumplanetary disks. Aims: We aim to demonstrate the capability of the METIS instrument on the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) to detect circumplanetary disks (CPDs) with fundamental v=1-0 transitions of $^{12}$CO from 4.5-5 $μ$m. Methods: We consider the case of the well-studied HD 100546 pre-transitional disk to inform our disk modeling approach. We use the radiation-thermochemical disk modeling code ProDiMo to produce synthetic spectral channel maps. The observational simulator SimMETIS is employed to produce realistic data products with the integral field spectroscopic (IFU) mode. Results: The detectability of the CPD depends strongly on the level of external irradiation and the physical extent of the disk, favoring massive (~10 M$_{\rm J}$) planets and spatially extended disks with radii approaching the planetary Hill radius. The majority of $^{12}$CO line emission originates from the outer disk surface, and thus the CO line profiles are centrally peaked. The planetary luminosity does not contribute significantly to exciting disk gas line emission. If CPDs are dust-depleted, the $^{12}$CO line emission is enhanced as external radiation can penetrate deeper into the line emitting region...
9. Christian Dior Couture's Post - LinkedIn
10 apr 2024 · No alternative text description for this image. +8. 1,202 17 Comments ... Thomas Buzy-Cazaux. Étudiant en 5ème et dernière année de design ...
At #Dior, we are looking for the next generation of #DiorTalents. Join Christian Dior Couture, House of Dreams, House of Talents, for #apprenticeships starting… | 17 comments on LinkedIn
10. Technical Presentations made at STSC - UNOOSA
Christian Cazaux (France), Powerpoint Presentation. Safety recommendations for ... Text. Friday, 19 February 2016. USA Space Debris Environment, Operations ...
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
11. [DOC] Titel - SOFTTECH GmbH
Anwender wie Christian Cazaux sind sehr zufrieden: „SPIRIT BrandSP erleichtert unsere tägliche Arbeit erheblich“. ... text/Presse/2018/Pressebilder_SPIRIT ...