Loch Ordie and Deuchary Hill, Dunkeld (2025)

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A long but easy-going walk into the quiet moorland north of Dunkeld, passing a number of picturesque lochs and climbing the superb viewpoint of Deuchary Hill before returning through mature woods.


Forestry tracks, good paths, steep optional climb up Deuchary Hill. Short section on roadside verge.

Public Transport

Buses, coaches and trains to Dunkeld.


Cally car park, near Dunkeld. Open in Google Maps.

Walk Statistics

23.5km / 14.5 miles
6 - 7 hours
640m (Profile)
Start Grid Ref

Summits Climbed

Sub 2000
Deuchary Hill

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Walk Description

User reports (15)

Stage 1

The walk begins from the Cally Car Park which is 1km from Dunkeld. To get there follow the main road north from the village, turning right at the T junction onto the A923 Blairgowrie road. The lane leading to the car park is the second left from this road. Start the walk by heading back out of the car park towards the entrance road following the sign for Atholl Woods Path - Mill Dam to the bend. Turn left here at the crossroads up the track signed for Mill Dam and Upper Hatton. When the track forks keep right on the main track towards The Glack and Upper Hatton. Keep right when the track forks again and soon pass the entrance to Upper Hatton (stay on the main track here).

Stage 2

After crossing a stone bridge, ignore the track leading to Birkenburn on the left and cross open ground with good views. After a small parking area on the left, with The Glack house visible ahed on the right, keep ahead when the track bends right and go through the metal gate. The first part of the track is lined with cherry trees. Adter a short distance turn right at a signpost following the Upper Path to Loch Ordie which soon passes the Mill Dam.

Stage 3

The track now climbs gently and after crossing the Leddown Burn turn right onto a narrow path which can be wet in places. After 1km the path crosses the burn again at a clear bend; very shortly after this bend a path heads uphill to the left through the trees and bracken (can be wet in places). This is the start of the steep detour to the top of Deuchary Hill which provides fabulous views - it can be omitted if a shorter walk is preferred. To reach the top follow the narrow, but clear, path which continues up two steep sections and past some lower summits to reach the trig point marking the top.

Stage 4

Return back from Deuchary Hill by the same route, and once back at the main path turn left to continue. After a while go through a gate and follow the fence with views over the open grouse moors and Children's Loch ahead to the right. The path widens to a track, ignore the track on the left but take the next left to pass some trees. Ignore the turn to Grewshill stay on the track with views to Riemore Lodge to the right ahead. Keep straight ahead at the bridge and track leading to Riemore Lodge.

Stage 5

Keep left when the track forks and ignore ignore another track on the right to soon reach Loch Ordie. Turn left and go through the gate to head clockwise around the south side of the Loch which is popular with fishermen, walkers and mountain bikers. At the head of the loch stay on the track to pass in front of Lochordie Lodge.

Stage 6

After crossing a stone bridge over the Dowally Burn turn left, signed for Dunkeld. Head through a farm gate and keep straight ahead, ignoring the track off right to generally follow the course of the Dowally Burn. The track heads gently downhill, keep straight ahead when a track heads over a bridge and immediately after the buildings at Raor Lodge (keep dogs on leads here)turn left. Go through a high gate to follow the track to Dowally Loch. The route skirts the east side of the Loch and then Rotmell Loch which is full of flowering waterlilies in late summer.

Stage 7

At a T-junction turn right (signed Atholl Woods Path) and go through a gate. Follow the yellow arrows and keep straight ahead when another forestry track leaves to the left to head uphill. The track now heads through fir plantation downhill before emerging with good views down to the Tay. After descending through open ground, with some mature beech trees, turn left at a T-junction (signed Polney Loch).

Stage 8

Stay on the main track whcih heads back into pine trees and eventually descends to the road (part of General Wade's military road) at a gate. Turn left and carefully follow the verge for 0.5km until Polney Loch is reached. Follow the signed track on the left to pass the Loch which is popular with moorhens, ducks and herons, and after a wooden hut head into the woods. The woodland path passes to the left of Polney Sawmill before returning to the car park at the start.

Route Profile

Loch Ordie and Deuchary Hill, Dunkeld (16)

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Loch Ordie and Deuchary Hill, Dunkeld (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.